One way that companies market their products and services to potential customers is through mobile marketing. Mobile marketing involves using advertisements that move to different locations to promote for companies. This can be through means such as road shows or demo stations. If you would like to use mobile marketing, then read the following article for advice.
Keep setting expectations and keeping yourself safe, legally. After a person opts-in, or even during the process, inform them of how often they can get text messages from you. Also, give them an “opt-out” option if the messages are too frequent or if they want to avoid possible message charges. Always include the line, “standard rates may apply.”
Tie your marketing to big events or holidays. Special occasions can make your marketing really work. Give special vouchers to ladies only on Mother’s Day. Hold contests on big sporting event days to give your brand a presence. Give your clients a short code number where any person who send in a text message has a chance of winning.
Link to interesting websites. One of the fun things you can do to improve relations with your customers is to link them to sites you believe that they will enjoy. These can include blog posts, social networking sites, sweepstakes, or anything else you choose. Just make sure not to overdo it by spamming them.
Don’t ever message customers without a reason. Respect your customers’ attention by always giving them useful content when you send out messages. Nothing can kill a good mobile marketing program faster than unnecessarily contacting your customers with frequent messages. They want useful, relevant messages, not lighthearted banter as if you were their goofy friend.
Hire a consultant. Not everyone is technologically savvy, so if you are not so inclined, it may be best for you to hire someone to do your dirty work for you. You should look heavily into this person’s background to make sure they are respectful and professional, especially if they will be a permanent member of your team.
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Understand the regulations for mobile marketing. Mobile marketing campaigns are heavily regulated, just like anything that has to do with mobile phones. Look up your local and federal guidelines, and make sure you stay well within them. If you do not, you can face penalties that range anywhere from fines to jail time.
Be very aware of the market conditions around you when involved in mobile marketing. If anything changes that you’re not absolutely prepared for, you can easily be left behind and lose a lot of business. The internet is constantly changing, especially the still-evolving mobile leg of it. Always stay prepared for change.
Make your messages concise. This isn’t the time to worry about perfect spelling, as you are limited in the number of characters you can use. If you choose “B” instead of “be”, or “2” instead of “To” you will save characters, and potentially cost. There are some great texting translators online which can help with this.
Being aware of what tools are available to you can mean making more customers aware of your business! Understand the tools applicable to your mobile marketing campaign before you begin, to maximize the potential of things like audio, location-awareness and video. Have a solid idea of how to incorporate all of it into your promotions.
Be sure to lay claim to your business in each social network’s location pages. In mobile marketing, it’s all about location, location, location. Smart mobile devices, all have location awareness built into their systems, so users can tell what is around them. Make sure they can find you by claiming your page on sites, like Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla and Google Places.
Mention your mobile marketing everywhere you can. Talk about it on your social networking sites, any blogs you have, your e-commerce site, and anywhere else you can think of. You want your customers to realize that they can access your company from where ever they are, and it will be easy for them to do so.
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If you often have great sales or give-aways, consider using SMS to get the word out. Text messages shine in their ability to cut through the clutter of an otherwise busy, application-filled mobile device. The messages usually trigger a pop-up notification on the system, making SMS a terrific choice for getting the word out about a sale that can’t be missed. But be careful to only text message customers who have signed up to receive them, as many people feel SMS mobile marketing is invasive. It could have the opposite effect than your intent.
Remember in your mobile marketing campaign that you are reaching out to customers as individuals more than as large groups. Mobile marketing is personal. The devices that your advertising is displayed on usually only have one user, so it is very personal. Use your targets name if you can to deliver personalized content.
Your mobile website will need to incorporate some search engine optimization rules to be more successful. Start your SEO process with Google, as it is one of the largest search engines in the world.
Make sure your mobile marketing has a clear path to unsubscribing. There are legal ramifications to not having an apparent opt-out on every single piece of mobile and digital marketing, so develop your opt-out system at the same time that you are developing your subscription system. Each system handles this differently, but opt-outs can be done by clicking a hyperlink or by texting a word like ‘unsubscribe’ to a mobile short code.
Here is another tip for those who wish to use qr codes for mobile marketing. When generating qr codes, be sure to use a free service. By choosing a free service, you can advertise without spending a dime to promote. Make sure the service has tracking so you can know who scans your codes.
In conclusion, mobile marketing is one way that companies try to sell their products and services to new customers. They accomplish this by moving advertisements to different locations to promote, such as with demo stations and road shows. The advice from the article above will help you use mobile marketing successfully.